Our Adventure

A Troop Carrier and Caravan.
12 months around Australia.
Mum, Dad and four kids.
Sounded like a good idea at the time!
Follow us around Australia as we attempt to School 3 kids and a preschooler, continue working by giving remote desktop support a whole new meaning and enjoy the whole experience...

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Atherton & Beyond

Nan & pop headed off early for brekky & coffee with Rees. We knew we wouldn't make it in time (we take a little longer to get up & moving)
If there was a beach here, I could find my new home. Oh, and that cyclone season is a turn off too (lol).
I can see why so many crops thrive here. The soil is an amazing rich reddish brown. It's a bit chilly today. 26degreed when you've been used to 35 plus. The wind is quite cool which is what makes a difference too.
Fresh picked strawberries for morning tea. They don't sell them like this in the supermarkets. Super sweet & the reddest of red. 
That kept them quite for 10 minutes.
Next stop on our farm fresh tour was Coffee World. We have bought so many average coffees I will be disappointed if it's ordinary. It cost us $65 to enter Coffee World where there was unlimited coffee, chocolates & liquers to taste. The kids even got a milkshake & an activity sheet. There was also a collection of coffee making heirlooms to check out. 
We drove through some beautiful old towns, such as Herberton & Yungaburra. 
Final stop on our tour today was the Curtin Fig Tree. Truly amazing. They have built a boardwalk around the tree & you know how much I love a great Boardwalk. On the way home we stopped & bought some local peanuts & a giant watermelon. 
Damper cooked on an open fire...what an end to the day :-)

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