Our Adventure

A Troop Carrier and Caravan.
12 months around Australia.
Mum, Dad and four kids.
Sounded like a good idea at the time!
Follow us around Australia as we attempt to School 3 kids and a preschooler, continue working by giving remote desktop support a whole new meaning and enjoy the whole experience...

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Port Lincoln

It's quite a busy town & full of lovely people. We needed new tyres for Roger so Michael emailed Bridgestone last night. 9am this morning they call back with a price, in stock, 2hrs later they were fitted & balanced. They were $40 cheaper per tyre than home & no charge to dispose of them. 
Rogers new "shoes" as the kids say. 

Huge grocery shop, 6 loads of washing at the laundromat & home to rest. No school today ...thank goodness! 

Charley has taken to dressing herself. This is her ensemble for bed tonight...and we're all wearing jumpers.

I got chatting to a couple walking past this afternoon (hard to believe, I know) who told us that the West Coast is in the midst of a mouse plague...that sounds like a whole heap of fun :-(

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