After our morning of school, including a science experiment which called for ground pepper? A quick ride to pay for our 2nd night...and can I borrow some pepper. I think she took a liking to the children...took $5 off our 2nd night...and found me some pepper. Don't bother bringing it's expiry was 10 years ago...bless her xxx
What a great property (except for the wind). We went for a little expedition to spot koalas. That exercise is proving to be ridiculous...just too many :-)
We also went & had a look at the original homestead. They've done some work on it but it was originally built in 1842.
Look at the size of these Yaccas...I called them black boys but apparently I was wrong. We googled & found out that they grow approximately 1 inch per year. This means that some of the larger plants could be 300+ years old.
This is just a photo of the land up the hill behind us. The original rock fence runs for kilometres.
I'm a bit jealous of the wild koalas! Lucky ducks!