Our Adventure

A Troop Carrier and Caravan.
12 months around Australia.
Mum, Dad and four kids.
Sounded like a good idea at the time!
Follow us around Australia as we attempt to School 3 kids and a preschooler, continue working by giving remote desktop support a whole new meaning and enjoy the whole experience...

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Life at yulara

Isaac spent the morning with uncle Rees.  His last day driving so he took isaac out to the depot to show him all the buses & how the "sanitation" on the buses worked. Isaac was intrigued by the method of disposal. 

I took the girls & headed into town to post some letters & have a look at the visitors centre. I also took them to look at "sails in the desert" hotel where I used to work. It's all brand new. So beautiful. If money was no object, that's where we'd be. 

The temp stayed under 40deg so I thought I'd be brave enough to do some baking. We did biscuits & my first attempt at bread. Hmmm...at least it's not frozen. 

After I heated the caravan up...we thought a swim would be in order.

I had a UK gentleman tell me that "these children are a pod of dolphins". Had to laugh...their swimming has improved out of sight & they really look out for each other. 

Another incredible sunset. Never get sick of these.

Another casual day in Yulara!!!

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