Our Adventure

A Troop Carrier and Caravan.
12 months around Australia.
Mum, Dad and four kids.
Sounded like a good idea at the time!
Follow us around Australia as we attempt to School 3 kids and a preschooler, continue working by giving remote desktop support a whole new meaning and enjoy the whole experience...

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Sunrise over Uluru

Who could get sick of this???

A beetle on our campsite. It looks like the beetle has been painted :-)

Friday, 30 January 2015

Training buddies

Nothing like a training session at Yulara. Head wind to die for, 39plus temps, and those flies....Arrgh! I think a swim is in order :-)

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Yulara life

First day of school at the "Lynn institute of Fine Learning"...a few emotions to begin with BUT once we got into it...a big success! 

A treat at the end of the school day. We headed to town square for an icecream &  to watch the aboriginal dancers. Isaac & Keira were given a free boomerang for dancing. Mummy & daddy even had a go!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Australia Day at Yulara

Devon & tomato sandwiches eaten at the base of Uluru! Now a relax listening to the cricket. Happy Australia Day everyone.

Nan bought a pidi bowl used by the traditional owners to collect food. We collected seed pods & Keira came up with this creation.

Tenae has completed her first artwork tutorial from Penny at Inspired Artspace (www.inspiredartspace.com.au). Thanks for assisting Tenae to continue her artistic learning. 

Saturday, 24 January 2015


Today we visited the yulara markets. Kids bought a little something each & were even given some bonuses. Good excuse for a cuppa. We then rise to the visitors centre for a look around. 

On the way home we collected seed pods to paint & make into jewellery.

The finished product 😜😜😜

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Yulara life

A ride around town & a trip to the camel farm to see priscilla the baby camel & Betsy the water buffalo, stopping at town square for an Iceblock.

A lazy afternoon by the pool & another stunning sunset. We have a new friend...Lionel :-)

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Life at yulara

Isaac spent the morning with uncle Rees.  His last day driving so he took isaac out to the depot to show him all the buses & how the "sanitation" on the buses worked. Isaac was intrigued by the method of disposal. 

I took the girls & headed into town to post some letters & have a look at the visitors centre. I also took them to look at "sails in the desert" hotel where I used to work. It's all brand new. So beautiful. If money was no object, that's where we'd be. 

The temp stayed under 40deg so I thought I'd be brave enough to do some baking. We did biscuits & my first attempt at bread. Hmmm...at least it's not frozen. 

After I heated the caravan up...we thought a swim would be in order.

I had a UK gentleman tell me that "these children are a pod of dolphins". Had to laugh...their swimming has improved out of sight & they really look out for each other. 

Another incredible sunset. Never get sick of these.

Another casual day in Yulara!!!

Monday, 19 January 2015

Uluru sunset

A lot of cloud cover but always beautiful!

Mala walk around Uluru

A ranger guided walk around the base of Ulura where we learnt about the cultural importance of some special places around "the big red rock". A visit to the cultural centre where we got to view some Ananu artwork at Maraku art gallery.

An afternoon by the pool with a special treat of hot chips for lunch :-)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Sunrise at Kata Tjuta

Wow....sunrise! I never get sick of them 
Uluru in the distance 

Valley of the winds....a 7km walk full of rocks & large hills. We all made it. There were young, fit backpackers struggling. I'm glad we were done by 10.30...it was HOT!!!

Charley needed a little help. Michael may need a massage tonight.
So thrilled with the friendships that the kids are forming. They are really getting to know each other without all the "stuff" from life to distract them.

We went for a swim. Uncle Rees had a break so we went to town for a well deserved milkshake. 

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Sounds of silence

A night to recommend to anyone. Nanny & poppy babysat so we could dine under the stars. We met people from UK, Switzerland, California & also fellow Australians. A beautiful dinner, drinks, entertainment & a starry night sky to die for.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Out & about in yulara

Camel ride for the kids 
Sunset at Kata Tjuta

Sunset at Ulura

A true bucket list moment...& I got to share it this time with my family :-)
The kids got to purchase some art from the ananu ladies...the traditional owners of this area.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Tracks for Mildura to Alice Springs

Due to some hick-ups with the tracker software I have been a bit slack in fixing it, but here we go.

Day Twelve - Mildura to Burra

Day Thirteen - Burra to rest stop south of Glendambo

Day Fouteen - Glendambo to Marla

Day Fifteen - Marla to Kings Canyon Resort

Day Seventeen - Kings Canyon to Alice Springs

I think some of the issues have been due to the phone sitting on the windscreen it has overheated a couple of times....


Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Cycling around ulura

Our kids are going to be soooo fit & healthy when we get home. This morning we did a 10km ride around "the big red rock". There is still water in the water holes after the big rains....AWESOME!!!!
The rock reflecting in the water hole. 
Little red faces 
Coffee & milkshakes in town & now a nice cool swim in the campground pool :-)